Paperless Office Solutions

A Micro Website - Make A Paper Less Organization.. Also Use Of ERP ( SAP )

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Intranet is the generic term for a collection of private computer networks within an organization. An intranet uses network technologies as a tool to facilitate communication between people or workgroups to improve the data sharing capability and overall knowledge base of an organization's employees.

Intranets utilize standard network hardware and software technologies like Ethernet, WiFi, TCP/IP, Web browsers and Web servers. An organization's intranet typically includes Internet access but is firewalled so that its computers cannot be reached directly from the outside.

Generally we use this to make our organization a paperless office.This helps us to provide maximum possible information online for example our leave application,reimbursement forms,attendance record,pay slips,taxi bookings,IT Help Desk,Admin Problems etc.

Intranet is a never ending process and this can not grow until and unless this get information and inputs & suggestion from all the employees of the organization on a regular interval of time.if this is not updated on a regular interval of time this would behave like a STALE FOOD.

Intranet is an Electronic Tool for Communication with in an Organization other than regular official emails since the communication can be personalized and  also it can be shared with a lot of other official members in the form of blogs & Discussion Forums.

Few IMportant ISSUES usually discussedAbove all this can be used as a tool to motivate people to work and perform for the good of the organization that will as a result give good result and benefit to the employees.

World Is Shrinking....At the end we can say that World Is Shrinking so we need to join hands in all possible ways so as to make this a better place to sustain.We also need to work so as to make this a better place to work.


Why INTRANET is required in any ORGANIZATION?


Intranet is used to make a paper less organization and also to provide maximum data Online for example leave application,Hand Books,Policies etc..




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